Skyward Sword Small Key - The most accurate one on the internet

Skyward Sword Small Key - The most accurate one on the internet


I make a bold claim in the title but it is one that I firmly believe. It is not perfect by any means, nor can it be, but until someone finally rips the model from the game I think this is the closest you'll find. Update 2020-12-11: I goofed up the export of the single-piece stl, the chevron was missing its slight taper. Should be updated now if thingiverse decides to function for once. Update 2020-12-14: Added a variant of the shaft and teeth where the teeth are recessed/slotted into the shaft. Removes need of guide blocks and gives the teeth a flat bottom to allow better print orientation but likely at the cost of a slightly bigger gap to fill after assembly. Available in a single piece but for ease of printing and increasing overall print quality I recommend printing it in parts. The guide blocks are to make sure the teeth are center-aligned when affixing them in the original version of splitting the parts. The slotted variant should overall be better. Preview was printed in parts, sanded, glued and gaps filled. Re-upload because this site is dysfunctional.






