Magnetic Memory Gauge
Needs: 10 - 8x1mm Magnets 1 - 6x2mm Magnet 1 - Any size magnet to act as the top counter Optional: 2 - 4x2mm Magnets Rubber Feet *YOU CAN ALSO ADJUST THE SIZE OF HOLES IN CAD TO SUIT YOUR MAGNET SIZES* You need to change gcode to pause at layer height 15 and embed the magnets in. You also need to tape down the magnets so that they don't connect to each other or any magnetic parts near the nozzle. (I used basic green painters tape) If you put the optional magnets in (to make them be able to connect to each other) you must pause at layer height 25. For the optional magnets you must also place one north and the other must be south. **YOU HAVE TO MAKE SURE ALL THE MAIN MAGNETS ARE FACING THE RIGHT WAY WHETHER IT BE NORTH OR SOUTH**