Model T1 Training Marcosticks

Model T1 Training Marcosticks


3D-printable training chopsticks that work. [See it]( on Youtube. Clever folks have been inventing learner chopsticks to help teach their use, since the dawn of chopsticks. None has managed to teach the Standard Grip. Most of these teach artificial finger movements that do not translate to manipulation of real chopsticks. We at are happy to announce the end of this era of confusion. Here we present a few training marcosticks that work. You can print them out yourself, if you have a 3D printer. Or you can order them from any 3D-printing shops. To understand why these training marcosticks work, when all previous learner chopsticks did not, watch our first episode of "Ten thousand ways to use chopsticks", on the [Standard Grip]( You will find two STL files in this package. The "Standard" version is suitable for most people. The "Large" version has a slightly longer coupling neck, separating the two sticks further apart. The companion article to this package is located [here]( Some folks may find [model H Finger Helper Bars]( useful. These bars can be used with model T training marcosticks to help folks who have trouble holding both marcosticks with their thumb. These patent-pending marcosticks follow a simple Mark-and-Go license. In general, it means that you can freely print them. Just mark them with "Marcosticks". For details see [license]( For a list of all available 3D-printable marcosticks models, go to [this article]( For everything else related to marcosticks, go to



