Big Tree Tech 'Smart Filament Runout Sensor' Mounting Bracket for Micro-Swiss Direct Drive Kit

Big Tree Tech 'Smart Filament Runout Sensor' Mounting Bracket for Micro-Swiss Direct Drive Kit


Updated 17/12/2020 Added slot for cable tie through web to retain to extruder motor. Here we have a mounting bracket to support the Big Tree Tech 'Smart Filament Sensor' above the Micro Swiss direct drive extruder kit. Fix smart filament sensor to bracket using 2x screw and washers supplied with sensor or spares that came with your printer (I used 8 - 10mm long screw from printer). Bracket is designed to grip onto stepper motor to hold in place. I also feed my filament from above the printer so don't use a Bowden tube feed system but I don't see why this would be an issue if you do. Supports required. You may need to extend the wiring loom from the sensor if mounting this way as the cable is a little short to reach back to the main board. you can however leave this loose on the z axis loop and if will fit as is but I don't like this as it may end up getting trapped when printing taller prints.



