Raspberry Pi 4B Case (30mm fan), with vertical stand, with heatsink, display, camera, pins option

Raspberry Pi 4B Case (30mm fan), with vertical stand, with heatsink, display, camera, pins option


Based on scaryPug's design: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4572202 I maked some modifications The improvements are: More space for heatsink (added 8 mm) long are dubbel short vantilion holes Same as the original, all parts are friction fit, no screw needed. The size is the same as the original Update: added holes for display cable, camera cable and hole for GPIO (pins) A vertical stand included, work best with angled USB jack. Tips: Print with lower speed to minimize bulges around the corner because the tolerance is small. 30-40 mm/s is good. No support needed, but the stand has 3 large bridges, make sure your printer capable to do it. Print with flat side down. Put 0 for top and bottom layers Cura settings: see picture if you want a modification, leave a command






