Novation Circuit Battery Door Replacement
Found a poorly cared for Novation Circuit? Well, I did. The battery door was gone, broken encoder, covered in dumb stickers. Apparently someone spent more time messing mine up than playing it. So, I cleaned it up, replaced an encoder, and designed this battery door. Print settings aren't too important since this is so small. But I'd recommend a low layer height for lots of strength. I made the tabs have a little less spring to keep the tiny bottom tabs from shearing off. The whole mess doesn't need to be that tight. Overall, it works. See notes below for finishing this off. (As a side note, Novation is an awesome company. When I needed an encoder to fix this, they sent me one free, no charge. So instead of this great Circuit ending up in a landfill, they helped me fix it and get it back on the road. THAT'S a cool company.)