2-Gang Relay Pack Case for High Amp Relay (espHome)

2-Gang Relay Pack Case for High Amp Relay (espHome)


**** This is dealing with AC power and electrical hookups. Please take precautions! We are NOT responsible for any damages as a result of this project. **** This is a 2-Gang Relay Pack Case for High Amp Relay controlled with a D1 mini flashed with espHome (YAML included, Replace the SSID and password Tokens within the YAML file). This was originally designed to fit the Carlon 2-Gang Plastic Electrical Boxes. It does leave room behind the case within the box for additional wiring, wire nuts, etc. Hardware: 1x - D1 Mini (esp8266) 1x - 5v 30A 1-Channel Relay Module (https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B077RXR3JG/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_fabc_wqv1FbXZMCJE5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) 1x - SPSD-5S AC to DC 5V Switching Power Supply Module AC to DC Converter 1x - 2.2k 0.25W Resistor 4x - M3 x 8mm SHCS Video: https://youtu.be/dF8iZztL60I



