Raise3D N2/+ Caster upgrade

Raise3D N2/+ Caster upgrade


This upgrade is meant to be installed on the N2 but I tried it on an N2+ Frame. It's just a bit top-heavy but rolls great on anything but thick carpet. I used the Harbor Freight 3in Casters linked here: https://www.harborfreight.com/3-in-rubber-light-duty-swivel-caster-with-brake-61855.html All screws and nuts I used come from this kit: https://www.harborfreight.com/725-piece-nut-and-washer-set-with-6-inch-parts-tray-67624.html The system works by using the threaded mounting holes to mount the bracket which holds the nut for mounting the new casters with a larger form factor for the screw pattern. I am including the "Offset Spacers" I ended up using because I got lazy and did not buy shorter bolts. The screws to attach the mount to the tapped holed on the frame are M5x0.8 with anything longer than 15mm long. I used M5x0.8x30mm because that's what was in the box of screws. To mount the casters, you will want to get M6x1.0x30mm or so (you could get 20mm but if you can't get them, then use the spacers). The print can be printed with the mounting face to the printer up, this way you only need to support one hole pattern and not a whole surface. I printed it fairly thick and the tolerance came out just right to snug fit onto the mounting bar. To install, first set the nuts in their holes, then mount the bracket to the printer frame. Once the bracket is secured, mount the caster. It's dirt simple if you put the nuts in the bracket first. WARNINGS: I am not responsible if your printer falls over while using this mod, It is being provided to the general public to consume at their own risk. The bottom panel on the printer will not fit and must be trimmed to fit if you still want to use it (which is recommended to keep the power supply healthy). Setting the printer on its back or side can cause issues with calibration after, be sure to check your offsets before printing again. Again, you are installing this at your own risk, you brick it somehow by installing new casters, your problem. Will this update make your printer sit higher? Yes Will this make your printer look better? Yes Will this make transporting the printer easier? Yes Will this make your printer work better? No, not likely. Should you care about that last comment above? No not at all.



