Fortnite Llama 3mm Acrylic Lamp
I've included an SVG of something I whipped up for a quick christmas gift. If anyone has a glowforge/similar cutter and wants to give it a go. SVG should have everything grouped appropriately. Engrave the fortnite logo, score around the bottom of the llama and the outer eye circle, engrave the inner eye and cut around the outside of the entire thing. I also always mirror these when i make them before i print. They look better on the flat side than on the engraved side IMO. Final dimensions when printing are W: 106.03 mm x H: 183.71 mm I made this on 3mm cast acrylic which is what fits the LED base (cheap one on amazon, comes in packs of 4 and they have remotes to control the colors) Questions, ping me.