Dungeon Module
So took me all day but I got there in the end. Missus is angry cause I've been doing this and paying her no attention... pfft. Anyways! I haven't printed this yet so therefore I haven't tested it either. (zero time sorry) I'm hoping that I lined up the joiners correctly. If I haven't then damn..... If it all works well then yay for me. The female holes are bigger than the male part joiner so it should slide in nicely... "giggity". *edit The male ends need a slight filing down to fit in to the female ends. If you do print this PLEASE leave a comment so I know if it needs fixing or not. Don't wanna make people angry now. I do believe the only supports that will be required will be the overhanging joiners. I'll get around over the next couple of days to do some test prints to see if its all good. It might be best to print this in resin too. Once again, I'll test on both printers over the next couple of days. Once again, this is all just very simple makes that I do. Nothing too elaborate.