Telsa Model 3 / Model Y phone holder holder
William Harris wanted a generic holder and I wanted a specific holder for a Deltaco motorized wireless phone holder so that I could put Waze behind the wheel. So I "remixed" his design - that is I took the left rear leg from his design which fits neatly into an air outlet and added everything else ;-) . The result also clips around the metallic edge of the wood trim in the model 3 and is quite sturdy. Since the wood trim tapers off to the left and my design is intended to be clipped in slightly right off-center you might want to make it a little smaller if you want to position it dead center. The vapor smoothed ABS version fits well with the pre-2021 piano black trim. I also added a swan neck version to hold a phone in portrait mode but I find it a bit wobbly and use landscape mode anyway. You might want to adjust the size of the ball to suit your phone holder or replace it with a magnet. Update 2021-02-22 v2: I have made the hind legs a bit longer in this version and also the front hook slightly larger and given it a slightly larger opening angle. This results in much better grip and overall stability.