3018 CNC XYZ Probe Vice

3018 CNC XYZ Probe Vice


This is a vice for a 3018 CNC that can be used to probe the X, Y, and Z origin locations of a part you want to cut. I have provided both the STL or STEP file incase you would like to cut this out of metal on your CNC. I printed this in PLA with 5 perimeters and 100% infill with ironing turned on in Cura. The part has built in support so you shouldn't have to add any. You will only need to pop out the single layer hole in the tensioner piece. Watch the video for instructions on how I used the vice with Universal G-Code Sender.. **For the 3D printed part you will need:** 1/2 Copper Tape (Both sides conductive) 6 M5 x14mm Hex Bolts 6 M5 x 8mm T-Nuts 2 M5 x 30mm (Just needs to be longer then 1/2 inch) 2 M5 T-Nuts (This is to be pressed into the vice section that holds the tightening screws, part could be remixed to hold regular nuts but I found this helps keep the nut from spinning) 1 M4 x 6mm hex bolt (To screw in the back of the vice over the copper) 2 Alligator clips 2 wires (Long enough to reach from the controller board to the endmill. 1 JST Female connector, (Could use jumper wires or anything that can plug into the board) **For the CNC Milled version you will need.** 6 M5 x14mm Hex Bolts 6 M5 x 8mm T-Nuts 2 M6 x 30mm (Just needs to be longer then 1/2 inch) 1 M4 x 6mm hex bolt (To screw in the back of the vice) 2 Alligator clips 2 wires (Long enough to reach from the controller board to the endmill. 1 JST Female connector, (Could use jumper wires or anything that can plug into the board)






