CNC Shield/ Arduino Case for MPCNC
Since i couldnt find a Case for the Electronics of my MPCNC i made my own one, that fits my Requirements. I use a Arduino Uno R3 with a CNC Shield v3. You can modify the Backplate for a Switch or more holes. The Inventor File is uploaded too. You can also use cables without connectors inbetween or without editing the backplate (For Example my End Stops in the Pictures.). Just use the Slot on the bottom of the Backplate! I used a 80mm PC Fan, 5x GX12 Connectors and a Standard 5,5mm DC Connectors. The Mesh on the Top is just a simple Cover from the Front of my PC i had laying around. It prevents dust from getting inside the Case. You can modify the Top to fit with other Covers or just put some Mesh and thin foam in. You have to modify the litte plastic Holder which comes with the Arduino R3 to fit in the Case. (Just break it of) You will need 3 small Screws to secure the Arduino, 4 to secure the Top, 2 to secure the Fan and another 4 to secure the whole Case to the Desk. This Case can be mounted Upside down or sideways too!