Elevator, WIP

Elevator, WIP


An elevator Ive been working on for 6 months or so, its almost finished but it still needs landing doors and car doors to be designed to be able to open like a real elevator, I might finish this and I might not.. The motor is designed to have a outrunner installed into it, which I havent done just yet and im not even sure if the motor will turn slow enough to operate the lift properly so its all a BIG maybe, but its still kinda cool if you are interested in how an elevator works. The parts have been designed to allow for easy printing, Ive printed about 80% of the project and it all works pretty good, the bolts on the fish plates have a tendency to snap off, so gotta take it easy with them. Everything has been named with what I call them at work so it may be a bit hard to work out what the parts are if you are unfamiliar with lifts etc so i will try and setup a legend of sorts eventually. Personally I love the MX20 (motor) because its pretty close to what it looks like in real life, its an awesome piece of machinery we install in the top of the shaft using a few winches, normally takes an hour or so, in what I think is our company's biggest achievement to date.



