Raspberry Pi Case w/ CSI to HDMI Adapter

Raspberry Pi Case w/ CSI to HDMI Adapter


This retro-cyberpunk inspired Raspberry Pi 4 case was specifically designed as a case for a MotionEyeOS camera installation. It supports a Raspberry Pi 4, one end of the [Arducam CSI to HDMI Cable Extension Module](https://www.arducam.com/product/arducam-csi-hdmi-cable-extension-module-15pin-60mm-fpc-cable-raspberry-pi-camera-specific-pack-2-1-set/). and a [0.91in 128x32 OLED display](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0761LV1SD). A complete list of materials are - 1x Raspberry Pi 4 - 1x Arducam CSI to HDMI Cable Extension Module - 1x 0.91in 128x32 OLED - 2x M2.5 x 6mm Flat Head - 2x M2.5 x 8mm Flat Head - 2x M2.5 x 12mm Flat Head A M2.5 tap is needed to tap some of the holes or you can get self tapping screws. Two small sections of 1.75mm filament are used as pins to secure the Cable Extension Module. Adafruit has a great [tutorial](https://learn.adafruit.com/ssd1306-oled-displays-with-raspberry-pi-and-beaglebone-black) on how to use SSD1306 OLED Displays with Raspberry Pi. Update 5/19/21: Added STP and IGS files so that others can remix this.






