Quarter wave ground plane antenna mount and weather cover
This is a basic antenna mount and cover for a quarter wave ground plane antenna based on M0UKD's design here: https://m0ukd.com/calculators/quarter-wave-ground-plane-antenna-calculator/ Should suit an antenna tuned to any frequency for which this antenna design is suitable. The lower section accepts a length of 20mm PVC pipe; the cable runs through this also. This can be as long as you need to extend the height of the structure (within flex limits of course!) The upper element is a section of 15mm PVC pipe. PVC pipe cement appears to adhere to PLA just fine. I pained the printed sections with several coats to protect against UV degradation. The two sections simply slot together and don't require glue; if you cable tie your coax lead with a slight amount of tension, this will keep the structure together. Some more detail on build and assembly can be found here: http://www.ignorantofthings.com/2020/12/setting-up-ground-station-for.html