LED Stick Holder + Profil Cable Cover + Cable Tunnel (Anycubic Predator Upgrade)
Hi, This is my first bigger project i did and i am very pleased with the outcome. It's an LED Stick holder (mount) for the Anycubic Predator. Because it uses alumminium profils i could creat the parts in a way that they just snap into place. They are not too tight so maybe they work on other aluminium profils too. (LED Sticks used: RITOS LED Sticks) Installation: Bottom and Top LED Stick Holder: First use the bottom LED Stick Holder, threat the cable of the LED Stick through it and install it at your printer. I had no connectors for the LED sticks so i just soldered them directly. The LEDs are all in paralell so you can just connect them paralell too. It will work with the connectors aswell if you have them. Then clip the Top LED Stick Holder in your profil and slide it over the LED stick. Then threat the cable through to the bottom of the printer. Try pushing a little, rather than pulling, to not destroy your solder points. The LED sticks get a little bit bend because of the cable. This helps keeping them in place without tolerance. Bottom Profil Cable Cover: Just to give everything a clean look i created the Cable Cover. The cable of the LED sticks should now be sticking out the bottom. At the underside of your printer the alu profils also have a groove. You can put the cable in there and close it up with the Cable Cover. I made different lenghts if you want to close it completely. I choose the shorter ones, becuase they hold the cable easily and are easier to install without breaking them. It would maybe be better to print them in flexible filament, but i don't have any yet. Cable Tunnel: Just for a finishing touch i created the Cable Tunnel to get a clean look with the cable going away from the printer.If you want other lengths let me know. ;) Note: The LED Stick Holders have a mirrored part too. The reason is i created them with a slight angle to face either more inwards the printer or more outwards. I can also adjust that very easy if you need another angle. ;) I hope this is helpful for some people out there. Good luck printing!