FETtec Drift Car - 20% wider

FETtec Drift Car - 20% wider


This is a remix of the FETtec Drift Car. The original Body didn't fit my electronics so I made it 20% wider, and 100% more awesome with a Batman logo ;) The cutouts left and right of the battery are roughly 8*20mm, which should fit most step-ups and receivers. I used the following print settings: Chassis: - TPU (Sainsmart Shore 95A) - 100% infill - 0.16mm layer height Shell: - PLA (Bavafil Black PLA) - 3 walls - 40% infill - 0.16mm layer height - Brim so the walls don't fall over (one layer before they join the rest of the body like it did for me grrrrr) Wheels: - TPU (Sainsmart 95A again) - 1 wall - 5 bottom/top layers - 0.12mm layer height - 0% infill (wheels need to be soft for some grip) Bumpers: - TPU (Sainsmart 95A...) - 3 walls - 8 bottom/top layers - 0.16mm layer height - infill doesn't really matter, it should be solid anyways No Supports needed for any of the parts. More info on the drifter car here https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4685352 and here https://fettec.net/media/pdf/fd/c8/32/FETtec-Drift-Car-Manual.pdf The car is extremely fun, can't get enough drifting action :D Additional material needed: - Fettec 15A AIO (https://fettec.net/shop/fettec-mini-aio-15a?c=9) - Receiver of your choice (for example FrSky XSR) - 5V Step-Up (I used this one https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B08NTGTZCS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) - Any 1S battery (18650 3000mAh are ideal, I am using these: https://www.akkuteile.de/lithium-ionen-akkus/18650/samsung/samsung-inr-18650-30q-3-6v-3-7v-3000mah-15a_100805_1325) - M2 screws of various lengths - Some cables and XT30 plugs







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