2020 Dumpster Fire LED Christmas Ornament
Building on the great work from AtomKemp and then xdylanm I've made the following modifications: - Integrated the batteries, switch and LED's into the main Bin. - Using Candle LED's instead of the static red. - Added a version with a see through "2020" on the front of the Bin Supports are needed for the Bin and the Back Flames. Parts list is the same as AtomKemp's except for the LED's and the switch (see attached file). I've also included a fixture I used to hold the LED's while I soldered everything together. For each LED I used a 56ohm resistor. Note the orientation of the battery terminals as the battery supports are design to work best when assembled as shown in the pictures. Overall it turned out great, yeah I know the print is a bit rough as this was the first print but hey it's a dumpster! Filament: Bin: SHENGTIAN Silver PLA 1.75mm Filament Metallic Silver Matte Silver 1KG (From Amazon) Flames: Inland Gold PLA (Microcenter) Enjoy...and hopefully this won't be a "Thing" next year as well. All the best and stay safe!