Simple Hepa Filter

Simple Hepa Filter


After reading how 3d printers shed micro particles into the air, I whipped up this quick hepa filter to make our workspace safer. The fan I used is pretty swank, but any old 4" (120mm) computer muffin fan should work as long as its the right distance on the screw holes. NEW: Now with 120mm fan cover. (This is a remix from NOTE: Make sure your fan blows out the end and not into the filter. Here's the fan I used: It has a power controller to set fan speed. The filter is a "Ausanat Air Purifier Replacement HEPA" Here's the link to the filter: The only esoteric parts I used were 4, m4x180mm studs, when combined with m4 acorn nuts and aircraft nuts hold it all together nice and tight. The nuts can be sourced from your local ACE. Link for the studs: Assembly: Stack it up, put an acorn nut on one end of the stud and thread the other end through the lined up holes. Finish with aircraft nut. If you hang the edge off your table, you can thread the stud down thru the holes and then reach up from below to put the acorn not on. Spin and repeat. Does it work? Check out the last photo and notice the color change from the 1st photo. This was about 2 months use in a 12 x 12 room with a 3d printer. Remix This! Id love to see a shroud to go over the fan unit and give it directional airflow away from the filter.







