Captive Polarizing Filter Frame and Case

Captive Polarizing Filter Frame and Case


Small kit of filters to play with lasers, polarized light, photoelasticity, and diffraction gratings. The filter frame holds a captive 80x80mm bare polarizing filter, which makes it easier to handle without smudging or scratching it. The filter is taped onto the print midway through using a preprogrammed pause at the right layer, and when the print resumes it builds over the filter by a few mm, trapping it in place. The box holds 2 of these filters + 2 diffraction gratings, and has slots to position the filters for some common experiments involving polarized light and lasers. The photos show using 2 filters to view stresses in clear plastic, demonstrating the polarization of a red laser pointer, using the same optically active plastic to pass a laser through 2 opposing polarizing filters, and showing how a diffraction grating splits different wavelengths of light at different angles. You can use the last behavior to measure the wavelength of your laser pointers! The lid slides on snugly with a .2mm clearance to the rest of the box to keep everything protected. The filters cost about $12 for everything, I bought the [80mm polarizing filters]( and [diffraction gratings]( from ebay, and they're usually easy to find elsewhere. Fusion 360 (.f3d) and step files are included alongside the STLs for ease of modification.



