COVID Christmas Ornament (CUSTOM NAME)

COVID Christmas Ornament (CUSTOM NAME)


This is my first ever attempt at a CAD design made in TinkerCAD. I was looking for a COVID ornament to print and couldn't really find one that I liked. Ideally I would like to get rid of the back square as I think this would look cooler, but not sure how that would work out. I will be printing this next and painting it as a small stocking gift for my grandparents. I doubt anyone will print this as is crap, but if you would like to change it to your last name you can edit it here or via the .obj zip file. Just click on MARSHALL and on the right in the box you can edit the text, then export it via top right to an .STL file and slice it in whatever program you use. I am planning on painting mine, but you could technically print each part seperate in different colors and then put it together in pieces.



