LED Signal Light

LED Signal Light


This is a simple and easy to print model of a LED signal light with an outer diameter of 25 mm / ~ 1 inch. The cover part is intended to be printed from a (semi-) transparent filament in order to transmit a sufficient amount of light. The download contains multiple versions of signal lights: (1) shape of the cover: There is a round as well as a flat cover available. (2) fastening: Depending on how you want to fasten the light you can either use the short (treadless) version that can be glued in place or the threaded version. The threaded version uses a M12 thread with a length of 12 mm. A stl.-file for a matching nut is included. See pictures for more details. Print and use at your own risk. EDIT: 2020/12/24 18:45 CET After printing I noticed that the original nut is too tight in most cases. Therefore I replaced it with a new one (Nut M12 Neu.stl). If you downloaded the old version please replace it with the new one.






