Pocket-Tactics: Snowmage

Pocket-Tactics: Snowmage


Happy Holidays, everyone! Here's a seasonally appropriate character for Pocket-Tactics! [Pocket-Tactics](http://www.illgottengames.net/pocket-tactics) is a fast-paced, modular strategy board game in which fantasy forces battle for control of a randomly generated hex map. We first introduced Pocket-Tactics as a 3D print-and-play game back in 2012. It's had lots of iterations in the years since and this is the commercial version. This SERIES X rules expansion includes a new unit: the Snowmage [(You can find the core set here.)](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-pocket-tactics-core-set-legion-of-the-high-king-against-the-tribes-of-the-dark-forest-138541) This miniature is 15mm scale, though an enlarged version (30mm scale) is included as well, and is optimized to print on home FDM machines without need for supports. You can find the complete (and expanding) [collection of current Pocket-Tactics sets and rules expansions here](https://www.myminifactory.com/users/IllGottenGames/collection/pocket-tactics)! For those of you thinking about [supporting us on Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/illgottengames?fan_landing=true), our patrons get special weekly model releases, access to new storefront releases and our entire back catalog, plus licensing options to sell printed versions of our designs.







Toys & Games