Drunken Seamonster

Drunken Seamonster


<b><i>"Have I ever told the story of how I got kicked out of Atlanta, the underwater city?<br></i> <b><i>Well, it all started when I got hired as the tailor for the royal garments. I was pretty good at what I did, but the king put me on a very tight schedule for his next lavish party, so I had to take some shortcuts with the queen's dress. Well, during the dance she stepped on her dress and it ripped, in the worst way imaginable. The entire dress came undone and she was just there, butt naked, in front of everyone.<br></i> <b><i>Why I didn't get executed is beyond me. Guess the king found it funny? He has a strange sense of humor."</i></b> <b>-Daruk, Tailor of Atlanta</b> <hr> I call this piece: <i>"I have no idea what I'm doing"</i>. I just made everything up as I went, including the story above me. But then again, I like writing stories for my models. :) Reupload because Thingiverse is a broken site and didn't actually publish the first one. :) <hr> <b>If you want to sell my printables or otherwise just want to support me, you can do so by going to my Patreon: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/JuusozArt"><img src="https://c5.patreon.com/external/favicon/favicon-16x16.png">JuusozArt</a></b>







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