Bitflame Fireplace

Bitflame Fireplace


# Bitflame Fireplace The Bitflame Fireplace is a build around the library [bitflame]( available on github. It is using a standard [Feather Board](, and for more details and the source code to run, please have a look at the github project. ### Parts: * 3D Printed Parts _(x5)_ * M2.5x3mm _(x2)_ * M3x8mm _(x2)_ * M3x4mm _(x1)_ * [Switch]( _(x1)_ * [Adafruit Feather Board]( ex. M0/32u4/328p _(x1)_ * [Adafruit 15x7 CharliePlex LED Matrix Shield]( _(x1)_ * [Short Headers Female for the Feather Board]( _(x1)_ * Optionally [Short Headers Male for the Feather Board]( _(x1)_ * Some cables to solder the switch ### Assembly: 1. Print the parts accordingly to the instructions in the printing section. 2. Solder the Adafruit Board with the short headers female and the LED matrix with the short headers male. 3. The switch needs only to pull-down the EN pin of the feather board to power off the board. You can either solder the switch directly to the Feather board **or**, as I prefer, you squeeze it into the female header together with the LED matrix. This only works when the cable is thin enough, but it allows to reuse it afterwards without having to unsolder it. The switch needs to connect the GND and the EN Pin of the Feather board. 4. After assembling the Feather Board, Feather LED Shield and the Switch (and maybe already testing the code from github), you can screw it to the *Bottom* part and fiddle the switch into place. The Feather Board is fixed with two M2.5 screws and the Switch can either be glued or fixed with the *Switch Fixation* part and a M3 screw. 5. Click the *Space* onto the *Bottom* part. 6. Screw the *Top* onto the *Bottom* part with two M3 screws, this also fixes the *Space* part. 7. Now you only have to load the Software onto the Feather Board and power it. (Have a look at the github project for more information about the software) **There you go with you table-sized fireplace :)** _(This is my first thing, please provide feedback and how to improve my contributions, thank you!)_






