OMG Glasses

OMG Glasses


Daughters Doll got its sunglasses stepped on on xmas day. So I whipped up some new ones. I printed them on both my FDM and DLP machines at 0.1 & 0.05 layer height. Each pair took around an hour to print. You will need to place supports carefully everywhere for the star and diamante style and to watch how much interface between them and the model you have, so the glasses don't break when you come to remove them from the frames. The Kanye west shutter style needs only build plate support for FDM and some dialed in bridge settings. For resin I suggest adding light support to the back of each shutter The resin style dimontes have a lens in for clear resin printing. This is the best finish I feel and the one my daughter was most happy with. Good luck, and have fun.







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