iPhone Charging Dock w/ Command Strip (iCDϟC)
I found it surprisingly difficult to locate a decent iPhone charging dock that was simple and sturdy, so I made my own. One-handed use was the key priority here, so it was designed to be used with two [small Command Strips](https://www.command.com/3M/en_US/command/products/~/Command-Poster-Strips/?N=5924736+3294529207+3294774426&rt=rud), the ones used for posters. The cable used is the standard [1 m Lightning-to-USB A cable](https://www.apple.com/ca/shop/product/MXLY2AM/A/lightning-to-usb-cable-1m) from Apple. It seems like all Lightning connectors come in slightly different sizes. I use mine on my bedside table. Since I'm often using the dock while going to bed or waking up, my eyes will often be closed or my brain will still be booting up, so I wanted to make this as easy to use as possible. That's why the dock is so much taller than many other charging docks. It tilts back 5 degrees from vertical, which I found to be a nice angle for easily and reliably placing the phone into the dock for charging without looking over.