BMW E36 Oil Catch Can Holder / Mount
Adding in an oil catch can to the old girl as the CCV (Crank Case Ventilation) line went straight into the intake. This means the air in the intake can contain particles of oil which will be burnt on combustion, not the cleanest way of handling crankcase ventilation. Later models saw the use of oil cyclone separators to separate tho oil from the air to drain it back into the sump. This item is design for a RHD BMW E36 325i, and uses the factory bolts of the wire cover thing on the firewall of the car on the LHS, Check post images for location of where to install this or watch the video in the link attached. I am not too sure if this will be compatible with LHD vehicles, let me know in the comments if it is. I know for certain it cannot be used on an M3 model unless the coolant reservoir is relocated. Printing in PETG or ABS will give best long term results, as the engine bay of any car can get toasty, this is on the intake side of the car and not the exhaust so temperatures should hang around 80 or less.