Best Buy / Geek Squad swag

Best Buy / Geek Squad swag


You might guess that I work in Geek Squad. I've made a few things over the years, and it seems like as good a time as any to release all of it into the world. In this collection are two different flash drive holders. One is clearly better than the other, although the difference is entirely aesthetic. One of these, Flash Drive Holder, can take either the Data Drives or MRI Tools insert - these are the ones I use at my precinct. The other, the Taco Flash Drive Holder, gets a Geek Squad insert. In my experience, these were a simple press-fit, but depending on your machine's tolerances, you might need to glue them in place. Agent Awesome badge - the idea was that this could be passed from agent to agent as recognition - agents recognize their own Agent Awesome monthly. Throw a magnetic backer or pin backer on it, and boom. Also, there are Geek Squad and Best Buy ornaments. These print in 3 pieces; a front, back, and the insert. I simply glued the inserts into the ornaments, and obviously glued the front and back together as well. Finally, you'll find the Geek Squad, Best Buy, dual-brand, and Sound of Music belt buckles. These are part of my modular belt buckle project, and join four other collections of inserts. The buckle is made of two parts; one is a frame base, and the other is the insert that simply press-fits inside. I separated them so that you can pop inserts in and out easily, and also to enable color-swapping when printing the insert for multi-color prints. The only piece you'll need that isn't 3D printed is the metal buckle itself, which just needs to be glued to the back. I wouldn't trust this piece 3D printed, so I recommend this one: For more buckle inserts: Marvel Collection 1: Marvel Collection 2: TV Collection: Bands: The Rest:






