TI4 Base game and POK integrated insert

TI4 Base game and POK integrated insert


--description-- This is a revamp/ extension to a pre existing TI4 insert made by asuahsahua ( https://www.thingiverse.com/asuahsahua/designs ), and has interchangeability with some of its parts. This revamp includes Integration of the base game and the Prophesy of Kings Expansion. I have remade some of the original parts to my liking, but they should still be interchangeable with the original post ( https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2794454 ) This insert uses both the base game box and the prophecy of kings (POK) box. the Base game box contains all of the player equipment such as player trays and faction boxes. The POK box will contain everything else, such as exploration cards, action cards, all the public tokens, the system tiles, ETC. it is organized in the way shown in the 3D model's photos. If more space is needed in the POK box, you should be able to shrink down the card tray a bit, and maybe shrink down the system tile holder. --== List of components ==-- base game box - 25 faction boxes and lids* - 8 player trays** POK box - 1 filler box (used for thin tokens as well as collapsible fleet stands) - 1 system tile container* - 2 public token holders (can be used for any and all tokens, with the fighter, commodities and infantry tokens being the reason behind the design) - 1 card tray - 1 planet card box - 1 objective card box - 1 action card box - 1 agenda card box (the exploration cards don't have boxes as their separate decks are quite small) *interchangeable (theoretically) with original inserts counterpart for the system tile container you will need 2 if going with the original **can only be found on original inserts page (I didn't remodel it) Original post https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2794454






