T-47 Microphone Body

T-47 Microphone Body


This is a mic body for a BTM T-47 dynamic capsule. The T-47 is a replacement capsule for karaoke microphones and can be picked up relatively inexpensively off of sites like Ali Express, Ebay, and Banggood. In addition to the capsule you will also need a Switchcraft B3M connector. These can be had off of sites like Redco Audio, Mouser, Digikey, or whoever your local audio electronics component suppliers are. (Don't pay international shipping for things like plugs if you don't have to!) If you're in an RF-quiet environment, you can use the mic body as-is. Simply press the capsule into place (you can tack it in place using a dab of E6000 or other silicone adhesive, if you need it to be extra secure), solder the two wires to the XLR connector, and screw it into place. If you're in an RF-noisy environment, lining the inside with adhesive metal tape or conductive paint and grounding the XLR Pin 1 to the shell will help reduce RF interference. Adding 0.022nF capacitors between pins 2 and 1 and pins 3 and 1 can also further reduce RF noise. Dynamic mics don't require phantom power, so be sure to turn P48 off when using this mic.






