3D Printer Handle for 2020 Extrusion - Creality Ender 3, 5, Cr-10, Anycubic, Anet, Geeetech etc.
Just a very simple handle to carry your 3D printer that slides into the top bar of your printer. Most of the budget 3D printers (Creality Ender 3, Pro, Cr-10, Anycubic, Anet, Geeetech etc.) currently available are based on <b>2020 (2040) aluminium extrusion</b>. This handle will simply slide into the top bar extrusion and will help you carry your printer (particularly if you have an LED strip mounted like I do). - Use high infill for the extrusion mount and print lying on its side (for once, this will require support enabled - and yes, I know it is tempting to print upside down but this will significantly reduce strength). - Use <a href="https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_99SlSf"> Carbon Fiber PLA filament (looks great and adds that little extra strength)</a> or ABS/PETG. If you don't trust you own print <b>there is another simple option</b>. Use the <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4619895">original design</a> and mount using these <a href="https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000726230157.html"> sliding nuts with M4/5 screws</a>. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT, AND IF YOU LIKE IT, PLEASE LIKE IT! Enjoy!