ESP8266 with 16340 Battery Case

ESP8266 with 16340 Battery Case


An enclosure for a LILYGO TTGO T-OI ESP8266 wireless Arduino with battery power and (option) hole for cables to exit. The enclosure is designed to be a SNUG fit for the unit, some persuasion is required if you print at 100%. The enclosure has a slit to access the power/reset switch as well as USB to recharge. Future plans include adding a 5v solar panel to charge. I flashed ESPEasy onto the unit, connected two DS18B20 temperature probes (in serial), bridged GPIO-16 with the RST pin, added some zip ties for cable strain relief, crammed it into the 3D printed box, and slid on the included lid! Every hour, it awakes from deep sleep, reads both temperature probes (hot and cool side of my Blue Tongue enclosure), and publishes to my MQTT server before going back to sleep. Note: Running cables out of the enclosure is a big no-no for Blue Tongues as they have pointy hard heads and strong bodies (they can lift even heavy lids) - so an entirely stand-alone system was desired.






