Cyclops extruder x-carriage

Cyclops extruder x-carriage


I designed and build my own 310x310x250mm dual extruder 3D-printer, which shows some similarities to the CR10-s and Tevo Tarantula. In the design of this printer I used the Cyclops 2-in-1-out dual extruder. This design is a full x-carriage for this Cyclops dual extruder which can be used for a 2020 v-slot aluminium extrusion, with a fan-duct for a radial extruder-fan (see links bellow). I used 5 M3 brass inserts and 5 M3x10mm screws to attach the extruder plate to the x-carriage. The V-wheels and spacers (2 normal an 2 eccentric spacers) are attached to the x-carriage by 4 M5x25mm screws. Most importantly I attached the Cyclops extruder with the use of 3 M3x18mm screws and 3 M3x8mm stand-offs. Finally I used 2 M3x25mm screws to screw the radial fan in to place. The considered Cyclops exturder:,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ And the considered radial fan: Also check out my other designs and as always open to feedback and/or comments.



