Oculus Rift S and Oculus Quest Beretta Pistol Grips
Yep I know it's a bit ugly lol. I printed the two grips side by side facing the same direction with tree supports, and ironing on cura at 0.2mm layer height, could also be printed at 0.12 or whatever I prob will do that next just needed them for new years party Pistol Whip session so printed them reg res on the Ender 3 Pro. Only needs support on the backs of the handles nowhere else and that's even with me who has bad luck with supports sometimes. I used gyroid infill some ppl love it some hate it, you can use what u want I'd just recommend at least 20% for durability. Fits pretty snug depends on your printer tho maybe want to print like 101-102% just print one on a lower res and see what size works before u print the rest. Glued together with CA glue (standard super glue) worked just fine. I also added some gun grip tape to the handle helps a lot with grip and makes it feel so much more official I highly recommend it. Note: The grip isn't perfectly to scale, had to widen it a bit to fit the base of the controller in there without it getting real ugly, so don't be too hard on me about it not being to scale, and might not be that easy for small hands lol also sorry about the file size on the grips I'm a modeling noob but I just make stuff work, it's at least a clean model that is manifold and it'll print. not the prettiest thing but it works and is pretty fun to use so I figured I'd share it.