Technics SA-5470 tuning bracket
** Edit - 1/12/2021 - While designing a stronger version of this bracket, I had to make several adjustments to the hole pattern to make things fit. I did not apply these adjustments to this original model, and as such, I cannot recommend printing this version because you will have alignment issues. Even if you're planning to print a mold to cast a new metal part, I would recommend using my new and much sturdier redesigned bracket, which can be found here: ** Original Summary: This is a direct replacement part for the tuning bracket found in a Technics SA-5470. It may be compatible with other similar Technics tuners. Please note - the original tuning bracket was made of pot metal. Over time, these parts became brittle and bent, cracked, or broke into several pieces. This is a part that is under a decent amount of stress, and as such I can't recommend printing this out of plastic. I would suggest printing this as a form to use for metal casting, and then casting the actual part out of a durable metal.