Pie-base press
If you don't have a proper sized pie-baking tray, or can't find those disposable pre-molded alumina-foil pie pans, then this is the next best thing! This model is a pie-base press that I developed to help me press short crust dough (as pie base) along with a sheet of alumina-foil into a base that can be filled and then placed into the oven for baking. Cut a circular piece of alumina-foil and oven-ready short crust dough that is slightly larger than the base model. Carefully position it over the base-model, and gentle use the press-model to press the dough and foil into a pie-shaped base. The more pressure that you apply, thinner the bottom and top rim of the crust will be. The sides will always be about 4.5 mm, but depending on your preference, the bottom and rim can be adjusted. To help ensure that the shape is maintained when you add your pie-filling, bake the pie crust in its foil-housing for a few minutes without any filling. Enjoy!