Dual Fan Duct for FlashForge Adventurer 3 - remix reefwarrior

Dual Fan Duct for FlashForge Adventurer 3 - remix reefwarrior


This is a small adjusted model of the Dual Fan Duct of reefwarrior (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4394702). As already mentioned in the comments of the original model of martin_au the model is a little bit too large to fit well for at least the 2020 model/make of the Flashforge Adventurer 3. By removing a layer of 1.1mm between the air-outlets and the screw hole fixed the problem. Also reinforced the upper part a little bit by adding two vertical 'lines'. Many thanks to reefwarrior and martin_au for their creativity. Update version 2.1a: fixed bottom / underside tears which caused by exporting the model to STL.



