Zesty Nimble V2 Breech Replica

Zesty Nimble V2 Breech Replica


My original Nimble breech had lost one of it's ears. Glue held it together for some time, but it's not really working as well anymore as it used to. Since Zesty hasn't been selling the breech anymore for a long time now, I decided to draw it up from scratch myself and print my own. To my surprise, the filament that worked the best was actually PLA and printing it was a breeze! After some time I wanted to test if this also works with resin and that one also works flawlessly. Since I now have access to an SLS printer at work, it was only logical to come back around to Nylon. Long story short: It really doesn't matter what type of printer you have access to, they are all capable of printing the breech just fine. There are four versions of the design uploaded here. Three of them exert less pressure on the filament, as I ran into trouble printing very stiff filaments that would eject the breech out of the Nimble and there is no way to adjust the pressure with the original breech: P0 - just like the original P1 - bearing offset by 0.1 mm P2 - bearing offset by 0.2 mm P3 - bearing offset by 0.3 mm I like slonold's naming system and adapted it here. I have not yet run into a situation where the P3 breech would be necessary, but maybe someone else does or is using bad filament with a slightly larger diameter. DISCLAIMER: I've looked left and right to the absolute best of my ability to find any sort of license agreement concerning Zesty products, but I have found absolutely nothing, not on Zesty's website or anywhere else. Judging by the designs Zesty is posting here, they are using either CC-BY-NC or CC-BY licenses. There are also other breech replicas to be found on Thingiverse and Zesty, as far as I can tell, appears to be okay with it. The design uploaded here was designed from scratch and by eye in Fusion 360 and is not identical to the breech sold by Zesty. Please contact me if you know of relevant information that I may have overlooked, in spite of my best efforts.



