Ender 3 v2 - v slot covers
Ender 3 V2 Drop in Slot Covers (only for horizontal - not vertical). They fit flush- and no need to remove parts. Rather than removing the screws on the left front facing portion of the left frame (and bed rail bed tensioner)- i used Red Soda's design (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4579489) (EXCELLENT JOB Red Soda - thank you!!) and shaved it down so that the slot covers just drop in. No need to remove the screws or the belt tensioner. Video of my printer: https://youtu.be/hq3AnkXIT_0 So, print 4x of the "171dropInSlot" file (or use Cura to simply add the part 4 times - then get the gcode). That will give you 4 drop in slot covers for the bed rail - which is appx 342mm (171mm x 2) long. That covers the whole bed rail. ... Also, you can print the "Slots_EbottomShaved" file for the areas in front of the gantry. There are 4 slots at 135mm each. So, in Cura - you will need to add it 4 times - or just print out one at a time. HERES A VIDEO OF MY MACHINE WITH UPGRADES & SLOTS INSTALLED: https://youtu.be/hq3AnkXIT_0 **At this time, I DO not have any more shaved parts.