RC Storage/Carry Box

RC Storage/Carry Box


#This is a MASSIVE work in progress but if I don't post it now I might never. ###DISCLAIMER Okay so I don't like long explanitions so this will be short and if you have questions message me or post in the comments. And yes there are likely better, less time intesive ways to do a case but I wanted to try and make one that is printable. This has not yet been printed so I am figuring this out too. ###BREAKDOWN The bottom and top of the box have recessed sections for a dovetail insert. That is where you want to split the box if you need to split it for printing like I will need to. The handle goes into the top and is held in place by gravity once you pick up the case but I plan to add a way to secure it in there. Once you have the box printed and the dovetails printed and holding the box together there are two spots for a platform to set the car on so the wheels are not on the ground. I will be adding a way to secure a strap or velcro but for now, search for zip-tie fastener and you can use those instead to secure the car on the stands. There are eight places you can use to secure the threaded rod but you do not need to use all eight, just use as many as works for you (you can also just buy the rod it is set up to be an M8 threaded rod). Once that is done print the top of the box (I need to add in dovetails to be able to quarter the top box so for now all you can do is cut it in half). Once it is together with the inserts slide the top over the threaded rods and print as many nuts and knobs as you need and thread them down the rod (or if you want to glue them into the knob that would be my suggestion). Once it is threaded down the knobs will hit the top and tighten down to secure the lid and you should be able to carry it and go. ###TO-DO - Add curves to make it look nicer - Add another split with dovetails to the top to quarter is - Add a nut holder to the top to remove play on the rod or shrink the hole to avoid having to thread the rod twice - Optimize how much material is used - Consider using latches, twist lock, or push-fit instead of the rod and knob - Add feet - Add a hook/slots to the bottom so the car can be secured via straps







R/C Vehicles