KME Hatchet/Axe Sharpener

KME Hatchet/Axe Sharpener


Like my KME to EdgePro/Hapstone Knife Sharpener conversion (, this uses the ball joint, backplate,nut and stones from your KME for axe sharpening. KME sells a product similar to this but my version is taller so that you can put a micro/secondary bevel. My axes were shaving sharp in a few minutes of using this. KMEHatchet.stl Is a shorter version of the jig (pictured) that is tall enough to put a 25-35 degree 2nd bevel on my 2lb hatchet. KMEAxe.stl Is a 1.5" taller version of the jig (not pictured) capable of sharpening larger axe heads. I only had a 6lb axe head to test it with. Like all my files I include the STEP file in case you need to make changes. I have already done the complicated modeling so a simple split and extrude in a CAD program could lengthen the jig if it doesn't work for you. 8 x 8x3mm magnets help hold down the jig on the axe head. Magnets can have wide tolerances so the slots might be slightly oversized. A dab of super glue or epoxy will hold them in place if too loose. It doesn't take a lot of force to use the KME. You could most likely use this with NO MAGNETS, holding it steady with one hand while you sharpen with the other. Obviously you should clamp the axe down to a table if you choose to do this. Limitations: -Magnets could be stronger. More of an aid than something to rely on solely. I usually hold the jig steady when using it. The magnets help with it sliding all over. -I didn't want to make the jigs much taller than they are so you might be limited with very large axe heads. My version was designed to work on an axe with a fairly square butt. It does not rotate sideways so that you can sharpen double bitted axes like the official KME one. Again, feel free to modify






