Brook UFB Universal Fighting Board PCB Mount / Case

Brook UFB Universal Fighting Board PCB Mount / Case


I made this thing for a friends pad project. It's made for a Brook Universal Fighting Board (UFB) and contains a mount (base) as well as a cover if needed. The cover is mounted by clicking it with the pins in each corner. The UFB is mounted on the base which again gets mounted inside the pad. For input cables and USB Port you can see two gaps in the cover part. I think I'll bring an updated verison soon with better wall thicknesses. Now it's 2mm wall thickness. So I think I'll change it to 1.6mm. That's enough and printing would be faster with just four straight lines with 0.4mm nozzle. Or I mean you could just use more than 2 outlines but I didn't think about that with the first print. Also as soon as the print ist mounted I'll update informations, pictures and maybe changes in the modell. Meanwhile you're welcome to use and test as well, and of course add any suggestions :-)






