Zip-tie Organizer

Zip-tie Organizer


The original didn't have pegs so I added them in a way that installs from the left but is supported on both the left and the middle while on the pegboard. Only the left side will hook into the pegboard, the rest of the pegs are just to prevent moving around and should keep that form of strain off the hooks. My measurements are just a tad bit off so it's a tight fit but it works fine and holds strong (standard hardware store pegboard). I recommend printing this with supports but since the model is rather tall you should add some custom lillypad supports under the pegs (see the attached photos). About half way through the print I also secured the supports with some painters tape because they're tall enough to fall over or move around enough that they interfere with the print. Just don't secure them too tight like I did as you can see it pushed the walls in a bit on the back right. I also included the model without pegs or holes so you can add your own if you wish.






