3/4" EMT Filament Rack Bracket

3/4" EMT Filament Rack Bracket


This is a bracket I designed and made that allows for 2 pieces of 3/4" EMT (metal electrical conduit available at hardware stores and whole-salers) to be passed through, creating a rack that can hold your spools of filament. It is meant to be wall-mounted using screws that are FLAT on the backside of the head, NOT counter-sunk! My personal rack uses 3 of these brackets, fastened to the studs in the wall of my garage, with 112" lengths of 3/4" EMT. I sliced my file in Cura, using a 10% gyroid infill, had the bracket laying on it's side (since the layer lines run perpendicular to the stress for a stronger print) and printed in PLA. You can choose to print it how you like and in whatever material you prefer, but this seemed to work fine.



