Ender 3 Titan Direct drive mount for pancake steppers

Ender 3 Titan Direct drive mount for pancake steppers


I remixed the Ender 3 direct drive mount for the Titan extruder and pancake stepper, designed by napfkuchen, to make it more rigid (with the original one the extruder assembly would bend slightly during retractions, with negative effect on stringing) and to add a 3 mm cabletie to provide some form of cable management / strain relief. You will need to print this in PETG or ABS since the stepper motor gets moderately hot. In combination with the EB fan shroud by gibbed https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3419531 and the BL-touch bracket by MGV101 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4567328 it makes for a nice, lightweight direct drive setup for an Ender 3.



