Astro focuser  (compatible with myFocuser Pro2 DIY)

Astro focuser (compatible with myFocuser Pro2 DIY)


Astro focuser with small stepper motor 28BYJ-48 or MP35EA Focuser is compatible for my EAF holder: (as ZWO EAF replacement) * [SCT]( * [Newton]( * [Samyang 135mm ED]( Wiring diagram and PCB on [EasyEDA]( Wiring diagram for smdPCB on [EasyEDA]( My firmware is on [Github]( base on [OnFocus]( driver by Howard Dutton project OnFocus ASCOM driver is [here]( , driver for INDI Ekos (StellarMater or Astroberry) available too. ## Alternative firmware: Can by use popular alternative firmware <b>Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY</b> by [Robert Brown project]( * Download current firmware []( * Modify this files: <pre> --- myBoards.h- --- #define IN1ULN 13 // 4 #define IN2ULN 12 // 5 #define IN3ULN 11 // 6 #define IN4ULN 10 // 7 --- myDefines.h --- #define INLED 9 // A1 // in and out leds #define OUTLED 9 // A2 #define BUZZERPIN 4 // A3 // buzzer #define BTRX 6 // 11 // (Optional for BT) // bluetooth adapter HC05 #define BTTX 5 // 10 // (Optional for BT) #define TEMPPIN 2 // 2 // temperature probe on pin 2, use 4.7k pullup --- focuserconfig.h --- #define DRVBRD ULN2003 #define BUZZER 1 // Buzer #define INOUTLEDS 1 // Statue Led #define BLUETOOTH 1 // Optonal for BT on Aux port #define TEMPERATUREPROBE 1 // Optonal for Temperature sensor on Aux port // Optional for LCD or OLED I2C Bus on Aux port #define LCDDISPLAY 1 or #define OLEDDISPLAY 2 </pre> ## AUX RJ45 pinmap for Focuser Pro2 DIY 1 - D6 BTRX 2 - D5 BTTX 3 - D3 DS18B20 VCC (Red) - Temperature 4 - D2 DS18B20 OneWire (Orange) - Temperature 5 - GND and DS18B20 GND (Black) - Temperature 6 - VCC+ In/Out 12V or out 5V (Only for smdPCB) 7- A4 SDA I2C Bus 8- A5 SCL for Display ##UPDATE * 2020-01-10 Add support for MP35EA motor * 2021-11-21 Add smdPCB version * 2021-11-27 Add support for Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY






