RPI Home server case with dual 2.5 hard drive bay

RPI Home server case with dual 2.5 hard drive bay


Complete case to pack either a RPI3 or RPI4 and two 2.5 inches hard drives, using my own modular drives bay design you'll find here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4704199 Features: - 2x 2.5 inches hot-swap style drive bay - Hole for cable from the drives to the side port of the PI (U shaped hole on the side of the base) - Hole for power cable from PI/drives to outside (hexa hole at the back) - Cable "management" slot on the side for Ethernet cable and USB cables to the PI - LED display (power, CPU activity, DD activity and Network activity) - Passive cooling should be enough for both drives and the PI (PI4 with a passive heat sink) - Only 4 screws to assemble (eventually hot-glue for drive bay) The case prints without support, with 3 pieces and uses the structural strength of the drive bay to hold together. Also it may be quite obvious, to print these, you need to print the front face on its 'face' down. Top part with the top face down, and the base part, with the bottom down. If you uses a glass bed, you should get a nice reflecting front for your case ;). To put this case together, you'll need 3x 75mm M4 bolts and nuts for the base plus a short one for locking the top of the case which can be easily opened to access the cables. RPI ports are kept usable from the side with a cable conduit on the side to allow the cable to be cleanly placed to get at the back of the case. RPI LEDs are visible from the front with two additional holes for redirecting the network activity LEDs from the PI. Explanation to be delivered as soon as I did this myself. Disk activity LED is already present at the top of the drives bay. Additional information and stuff to be added here. You'll find some test part to test sizes on your own printer before printing the huge part (100g at 0.4mm/0.2mm/20% infill) BEWARE: It's a beta release, I did not fully printed this myself and may still bring some update to it. You can print it already and it should print and assemble properly but if you do... Please keep me updated ;). PS: It tooks me some time to make it (I'm quite new to 3D printing), if it is useful for you and you like it, please consider donating a few bucks ;). Thanks to necroave, who made this and allowed me to use his picture, which feature a nice bluish PETG, and a complete case ! Thanks mate. Really glad you liked it ! UPDATES: 06/01/2021 - Initial Upload 08/01/2021 Changed some tolerances between the parts so they fit better together Widened the side hole for cable from the PI to the hardrives for easier fit into middle USB ports (USB3.0 on PI4)






