Visor / Screen Protector for Shearwater Perdix

Visor / Screen Protector for Shearwater Perdix


(Credits: This was inspired by the commercial product from AMX Teknology ( and from a discussion at ScubaBoard (, and some dimensions were copied from amyshin's cover ( If you want a sturdy aluminum version, and are able to order from AMX, you should do so. If, on the other hand, you want to festoon your Perdix with home-made junk, print on! The photo sample was printed with PLA; the pink thing is a hairband. I did change the model just a bit from what's pictured; there's just a hiar more clearance for the buttons, and the hairband hooks are now tall enough to capture two hairbands. (Two is one; one is none.) This is a zero-clearance fit on a recent-manufacture Perdix -- I'm interested in fit feedback.



